– Правила перевозки багажа;
– Правила перевозки ручной клади;
– Запрещенные к перевозке предметы.
В этом разделе:
Hand luggage rules

All items carried by the passenger are considered hand luggage. For example,

a handbag, a camera/video camera, a laptop, cakes, flowers, a basket, baskets, covers. We recommend putting things in one piece of hand luggage in advance.

Hand luggage (Unregistered baggage)
– The luggage is transported in the cabin of the aircraft and placed on the luggage rack above the passenger seat or under the seat in front.
– Remains with the passenger during the entire flight and is under his responsibility.
– When boarding an aircraft, passengers of international flights are allowed to carry products purchased in duty free shops, subject to payment at the established tariffs for excess 1 (one) hand luggage. The total weight of hand luggage should not exceed 10 kg per passenger.

In addition to the free hand baggage allowance, for each child (under 5 years) one foldable stroller (maximum size when folded: 56*23*36 cm) is allowed to carry onboard for free.
Luggage rules
In addition to the free hand baggage allowance, for each child (under 5 years) one foldable stroller (maximum size when folded: 56*23*36 cm) is allowed to carry onboard for free.
Prohibited for transportation

The list of dangerous substances and objects, as well as all types of drugs prohibited to passengers for transportation on civil aircraft it is intended
for use as an educational material in order to exclude the carriage of dangerous
substances and items on board civil aircraft that may cause harm during transportation or pose a threat to human life and health, flight safety or property,
as well as to all types of drugs.
Address: 52798 Airport Terminal Complex street
Adress: 52798 Airport Terminal Complex street